How “Music Success in 9 Weeks” Got Its Name

How “Music Success in 9 Weeks” Got Its Name

Musicians often smirk or actually laugh out loud when they hear the title of my best-selling book Music Success in 9 Weeks. I know it Takes Longer Than 9 Weeks 🙂 They say things like: “YEAH, it took me 16 YEARS to get here – what will 9 weeks do?” (I’ve heard...
A Message from Derek Sivers + My Holiday Gift to You

A Message from Derek Sivers + My Holiday Gift to You

I was floored last week when I went to check my email and Derek Sivers had emailed me one of the most generous video testimonials ever. I must say, it’s definitely gratifying because I’ve worked my REAR off to get to where I want to be. But I was seriously humbled....

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