New Media Maker Panel – Marketing Strategies, Tips & Advice: Powered By You
Song-writing can be an arduous affair; from the tedious write-erase-rewrite process on the notepad to the long hours spent at the recording studio, it’s fair to say that once a song is completed, a feeling of pride and ownership prevails. Therefore, why on earth would an artist, who devoted so much time in crafting a song (which essentially, is a product) work so hard, only to give it away in the end for free? Well, we cracked down this week to find out these answers as this week’s topic is:
Music - To Be Free or Not To Be Free?
We’ve sat down with five wonderful bloggers who were kind enough to share their insight. This week, our New Media Maker Panel consists of: Rick Goetz of Musician’s Coaching, Ryan Liechti of The F.O.R.M. Blog, Author Loren Weisman of “The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business”, Kevin English of and Voyno of the The New Rockstar Philosophy.
Rick Goetz Ryan Liechti Loren Weisman Kevin English Voyno
As this series is powered by the YOU, we encourage any feedback you may have and feel free to ask any questions of your own! What topics do you want see covered in this series? This is all about YOU, the artist, so let us know what you think about this post and share any lingering questions you may have.
1. What marketing techniques can artists use to leverage free music to build a bigger (and more loyal) fan base?
Voyno from The New Rockstar Philosophy: I hope everyone says that getting fans on the email list is the most important part of any marketing technique. ABGE. Always Be Gathering Emails; for a songs via Bandcamp, for early ticket sales via Topspin, for new videos via private YouTubes, whatever, this way you can always reach your fans.That’s part 1. Part 2 is engaging them with cool content and walking that ‘oh so fine’ line between consistent content and pestering. All audiences will be different so it’s okay to experiment.
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