Ariel Talks About Music Conferences

Ariel is looking forward to the ASCAP Expo in Los Angeles April 27 – 30 It’s crucial to get out from behind the computer…. Come… Read More READ MORE

Cyber PR Invades SXSW

Cyber PR Invades SXSW We’ve got some great artists performing at SXSW. Stop by a show and have a drink with them! All of the artists will be… Read More READ MORE

Sound Advice TV – Real Time Rock Stars w/ Amanda Palmer & Matthew Ebel

I recently spoke at the #140confboston and it was delightful to be on a panel with Matthew Ebel, Ted Cohen and Amanda Palmer. Here is our panel, it was short,… Read More READ MORE

So…what is a Facebook Fan Page called nowadays? A "Like" Page?

The ever-elusive Facebook Fan Page. Regardless of what you think about yours, you can't deny its power: the 'Suggest to Friends' link provides an unbelievable opportunity to spread your brand (especially if you persuade your contacts to do the same), the wall allows for a rich content experience unmatched by the likes of MySpace or Twitter, the lack of "friend cap" (see: Facebook personal profiles), etc. Recently, as if musicians needed more technological changes to deal with, the marriage between Facebook Brand Pages and Fans has extinguished. Users now only have the opportunity to "Like" a page. Please don't confuse this with the Facebook's traditional "like" function for pictures, comments, etc. I would have "liked" to see Facebook think about what they were doing semantically before giving two separate experiences on their website the same name, but nevertheless. Many people are complaining about the new Facebook Page changes, mainly because they don't understand them. Musicians, I believe that it is better for people  to "Like" your page rather than "Become a Fan." To be a 'fan' of something is a big commitment; to just 'like' something is much more casual. In the real world, I personally like a multitude of things, but rarely consider myself a fanatic of a particular sports team or band. Over time, people will be much more likely to engage in this "Like" behavior, strictly based on language alone. Many artists have been complaining recently about the number of contacts on their pages dwindling. I've been getting emails from artists asking me, "Is there some type of Facebook virus? All of the fans on my page are disappearing." Read More READ MORE

Idol Thoughts: The 4 Key Factors That Michael Lynche Posseses That Make Him Not Only A Great American Idol But Also A Lifelong Artist

Yesterday, I guest lectured at NYU for a group of Music Business students. One of them asked me an excellent question: Is there a formula for success in today's music business? Read More READ MORE

Beyond Direct-to-Fan

Brooklyn, NY. April 1, 2010 – Everybody is talking about direct-to-fan, and how it is changing the way musicians can sustain themselves. Never before have musicians had so much direct… Read More READ MORE

The Musician’s Guide to Facebook Fan Pages

Ariel’s Top 7 Facebook Apps for Musicians Do you have a fanpage but still not sure how to make it pop? Here are six Apps that will set you on the right path, help you to stand out from the pack and keep your fans engaged and interested in you on a consistent basis. Read More READ MORE
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