Best Practices For Musician’s Email Newsletter

Are you still not sending out a regular email newsletter to your followers? Perhaps you don’t quite know where to start. This is a guide dedicated to sharing… Read More READ MORE

Q&A: Leveraging Spotify And Facebook Ads w/ Andrew Southworth

Matt Pelosi, Social Media Ad Strategist at Cyber PR, and Andrew Southworth, music producer and marketer, talk all about leveraging Spotify and Facebook Ads in this Instagram Live… Read More READ MORE

How To Sell Your Merch On Spotify

Having trouble getting your merch to sale online? Shopify and Spotify may have a solution for that. Spotify, a music streaming platform, is now going to sell your merch on… Read More READ MORE

Why You Should Bundle Your Merch

Bundling your music and products together is getting more and more popular. Today, a vast majority of indie and signed artists are selling their merch and music together at a… Read More READ MORE

The Musicians Guide to Using NFT’s

Cyber PR is always on the lookout for new technologies and markets for artists to incorporate into their music release plans. Today, we’re sharing the Musicians… Read More READ MORE

Indie Musicians Exploring the World of NFTs

What started as a niche space for the most prominent celebrities and known artists became an increasingly used market for Indie musicians. As more users increasingly adopt blockchain technology,… Read More READ MORE
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