Video: Derek Sivers and Ariel Hyatt Discuss Internet Marketing for Musicians

Derek Sivers and Ariel Hyatt Discuss Internet Marketing for Musicians In this week’s video, I’m pulling out an oldie but goodie! Derek Sivers reminds us… Read More READ MORE

Fan 1st – Ariel’s New Book!

Ariel’s newest ebook Fan 1st is designed to teach you how to prioritize your fans, empower them to support you, and create relationships that will benefit your music career. Prioritize… Read More READ MORE

Mastering Music Monetization

I have known Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan since they first released their superb book The Indie Band Survival Guide in 2008. They are now back with a… Read More READ MORE

How to Make A Living As A Full Time Musician

Eli Lev is a rare breed of artist. I started working with him in June if 2017 and immediately I knew he was going to get to making a full… Read More READ MORE

How To Get A Band Sponsorship

Ever wonder how all of these artists and influencers get brand collaborations and sponsorships? If you have, I have just the thing for you. Cyber… Read More READ MORE

When to Hire A Music Publicist & Crowdfunding Tips for Musicians [Video]

My dear friends Ross and Marcio of Bridge the Atlantic had me as a guest their vodcast / podcast. We talked about effective crowdfunding for musicians, the weird world of… Read More READ MORE
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