Music Marketing Predictions For 2022

Here we are – through the Holidaze and almost into a new year. It’s been a strange and bumpy journey for many of us. My social… Read More READ MORE

How to Do a Benefit Concert: Guidelines for Performing Artists and Others Who Want to Make a Difference by Jen Chapin

Here at Cyber PR we believe the holiday season is all about giving. So, choose a charity, create a benefit concert, and start giving back – you will be amazed… Read More READ MORE

Social Media Tuneup: New And Improved For You

I’ve recently taken several weeks to completely re-write Social Media Tuneup. This book was… Read More READ MORE

Market Like The Majors On an Indie Artist Budget

Rick Barker recently hosted a webinar exclusively for us on How To Market Like The Majors On an Indie Artist Budget. In this… Read More READ MORE

Improving Your Music Marketing Plan With TTU

Do you ever feel rushed or feel like you have too much on your plate to work on promotion, marketing, and making music all at once? Are you afraid that… Read More READ MORE

How To Leverage The Bandzoogle & Printful Integration

Musician website building platform Bandzoogle and on-demand printing service Printful have recently teamed… Read More READ MORE
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