Music Marketing Predictions For 2022

Here we are – through the Holidaze and almost into a new year. It’s been a strange and bumpy journey for many of us. My social… Read More READ MORE

Crowdfund Campaign: Using It On Your Next Album

Ariel Hyatt was a special guest on Kristine Mirelle’s program Music Hustler. The two break… Read More READ MORE

Q&A: Managing Stress & Anxiety w/ Suz Paulinski The Rock/Star Advocate

Many of us are struggling with balancing our new roles of teacher, full-time chef, and constant housekeeper, on top of whatever you do to earn money. Managing stress during Covid-19… Read More READ MORE

CoronaVirus: What Can Independent Artists Do?

The CoronaVirus is affecting people in all industries all over the world. For independent musicians, watching your livelihood dwindle with the cancellation of shows and tours can be an incredibly… Read More READ MORE

The Cyber PR Music Podcast: Why Authenticity is Key with Emily White

It was a pleasure catching up with Emily White, my longtime friend and force in this industry, for The Cyber PR Music Podcast. Emily is the author of… Read More READ MORE

The Musician’s Guide to Music Conferences 2020

At Cyber PR we help artist understand the importance of curating a cohesive digital marketing brand. While many important connections can be formed online, and we encourage you… Read More READ MORE
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