New Publicity Trends: Bobby Owsinski Interviews Ariel Hyatt

Ariel Hyatt speaks on new publicity trends with Bobby Owsinski on his podcast Inner Circle. Ariel covers important takeaways from her latest book … Read More READ MORE

Cyber PR Talks Sync Licensing Significance

Cyber PR delves into what sync licensing is and why it is essential. As an artist, profiting only from CD sales, live shows, and downloads is no… Read More READ MORE

Passionate Publicist: Signature cocktail recipe for The Ultimate Guide to Music Publicity

There was no exaggeration when we said we were pulling out all the stops for Ariel’s celebratory book launch… Read More READ MORE

Ariel Hyatt: Zoom Book Launch Party

The big day is almost here: The Ultimate Guide to Music Publicity releases on June 17th. The Ultimate Guide… Read More READ MORE

Mike Warner Interviews Ariel Hyatt

Last week I had the pleasure of joining Michael Warner, author of Work Hard Playlist Hard, for a chat on… Read More READ MORE

Case Study: Auvic [PR Campaign]

Artist: Auvic | Cyber PR Service(s) Auvic Received: PR Campaign About Auvic Auvic first fell in love with Electronic Music… Read More READ MORE
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