The Musician’s Communication Map

This is an excerpt from Ariel’s 5th book The Ultimate Guide to Music Publicity. Writing The Ultimate Guide to Music… Read More READ MORE

Bandzoogle Music Publicity Webinar – Everything You Need to Know in 52 Minutes

Ariel Was Recently A Guest on Bandzoogles Webinar – How to Successfully Generate Your Own PR Hundreds of artists from around the world joined me and… Read More READ MORE

Case Study: The Normal Living [TTU & PR Campaign]

Artist: The Normal Living | Cyber PR Service(s) The Normal Living Received: PR Campaign & Total Tuneup About The… Read More READ MORE

Covid19: Now WTF Are We Supposed To Do?

I want to start this by saying: I hope you are staying safe and quarantined, and I hope everyone in your family is healthy. I have already been… Read More READ MORE

When to Hire A Music Publicist & Crowdfunding Tips for Musicians [Video]

My dear friends Ross and Marcio of Bridge the Atlantic had me as a guest their vodcast / podcast. We talked about effective crowdfunding for musicians, the weird world of… Read More READ MORE

CROWDSTART – Ariel’s Book is Ready To Help You Crowdfund Your Next Release

CROWDSTART is celebrating an anniversary – and I’m bringing back all the free SWIPE files to commemorate! you can purchase it on Amazon now here! And… Read More READ MORE
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