Cyber PR Music Publicity & Spotify Playlist Case Study – Macy Todd

Are you interested in finding out more about our PR and Spotify Playlist Campaigns?  Here is our first case study for 2018. Georgia based Macy Todd came to… Read More READ MORE

The Guide to Music Blogging: Social Media House Part 6

There are 2 things to consider when you think of blogs – your strategy for getting featured and reviewed on music blogs, and if/how to start a blog of your… Read More READ MORE

The Musician’s Guide To SoundCloud: Part 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of our Musician’s Guide to SoundCloud! Now that you have your brand-spankin’-new page all set up, it’s time to begin building… Read More READ MORE

Musicpreneur: Aaron Bethune Interview w Ariel Hyatt

Aaron Bethune started Play It Loud Music in 2006, dedicating his career to supporting musicians in this ever-changing industry. He published an incredible book called Musicpreneur: The Creative Approach to… Read More READ MORE
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