Cyber PR For Musicians

In her 18 years in PR, Ariel Hyatt has changed the landscape of how musicians build a successful marketable profile. Her breakthrough approach melds traditional marketing smarts with cutting edge social media techniques and refreshing D.I.Y. ethos, empowering artists with the tools to build a lucrative music business career. Time and time again she’s ran successful campaigns with her acclaimed firm, Cyber PR®. With her latest book, Cyber PR® for Musicians: Tools, Tricks, And Tactics For Building Your Social Media House, she reveals her trade secrets in an accessible and warmly written guide. “Ariel Hyatt is a standout when it comes to providing advice to artists of all sizes and genres. There are very few people in the business that ‘get it’ and she is at the very top of that list.” -Jed Carlson, President & Co-Founder, ReverbNation



“This book changed my thinking and the way I market my music in this modern day and age. Cyber PR for Musicians is not just great for musicians but for anyone who is trying to get a handle and master social media. The very end of the book also gives a written out game plan for musicians to follow and market their music effectively on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Blogging, and Pinterest. The information you get from this book is equivalent and probably more than you would get from a paid publicist.” – Michael Oteka, Independent Musician

In her 23 years in PR, Ariel Hyatt has changed the landscape of how musicians build a successful marketable profile. Her breakthrough approach melds traditional marketing smarts with cutting edge social media techniques and refreshing D.I.Y. ethos, empowering artists with the tools to build a lucrative music business career. Time and time again she’s executed successful campaigns with her acclaimed firm, Cyber PR. With Cyber PR for Musicians: Tools, Tricks, And Tactics For Building Your Social Media House, she reveals her trade secrets in an accessible and warmly written guide.

Ariel’s approach is centered around demystifying and harnessing the full potential of social media. In Cyber PR for Musicians, she cleverly uses the metaphor of building a house for building an online profile and, with grace and clarity, guides artists through constructing a robust online presence that will yield real results. Her book is digestible, divided into chapters that thread together an easy-to-follow priority-oriented plan. For example, she begins with a website as being the front door to a musician’s house, and, not only does she detail its importance, she offers realistic ways to get one constructed affordably. Cyber PR for Musicians also illuminates many tricks and techniques to maximize Facebook exposure. Here, she starts with the basics for newbies but spans to break down more sophisticated topics such as Radio and Spotify integrating with Facebook, and Insights.

“Ariel is a pioneer in the social marketing space, and nobody has dedicated more time, energy, passion, and air miles to ensuring artists are empowered to take control of their own social media marketing. Cyber PR® For Musicians is essential reading for independent artists around the world. Read it, act upon it, and thank her for it.” -Millie Millgate, Executive Producer, Sounds Australia

“Ariel Hyatt is a standout when it comes to providing advice to artists of all sizes and genres.There are very few people in the business that ‘get it’ and she is at the very top of that list.” -Jed Carlson, President & Co-Founder, ReverbNation

“In Cyber PR® For Musicians, Ariel Hyatt has once again made accessible what should become second nature to every artist. These tools are essential and vital, and this should be thought of as required reading.” -Benji Rogers, Founder , PledgeMusic

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