Have you ever had any of these challenges?
- Your last release came out with little or no fanfare
- You are on social media, but your audience is not growing or engaging
- Your most recent EP, album, or single received way less traction than you had expected
- You hired a publicist or radio promoter and did not get the results you were promised (or you couldn’t leverage the placements you received because you didn’t know you were supposed to)
- You feel totally overwhelmed by all of the stuff you have to do
Here is a Slide Show That Will Show You Some Examples Of Our Work – click below to scroll through
All successful businesses create plans before they dive in and get to work. Most musicians do not.
You may be thinking – I have my goals outlined already and I am working towards them! But goals are very different than plans.
You set goals to mark your big picture vision. You make plans to ensure that the goals are met.
“The process at Cyber PR covers everything you didn’t know needed to be covered. Teaming with Cyber PR is a decision you will not regret!” – The Krickets
There’s a big problem in the music business today.
The huge problem all creators are facing today is access. Anyone can push a few buttons and release whatever they’ve made into the world.
The Internet has been a great leveler, and it provides everyone equal opportunity. But, sadly, this equal opportunity means that 40,000 tracks are getting released PER DAY on Spotify alone.
So the question we have for you is: What are you doing to really stand out?
Artists who have followed our Total Tuneups have:
- Quadrupled their income
- Booked gigs at SXSW and CMW (official and unofficial showcases and private parties)
- Identified their true niche markets and conquered them!
- Booked shows in their dream venues and opened for their favorite artists
- Launched successful crowdfunding and ongoing Patreon campaigns
- Placed their music on network TV resulting in $10,000
- Toured Europe by following our step–by–step suggestions
- Targeted their own PR opportunities and saved thousands on publicists
- Attracted sponsors for travel, beer, merch, and instruments
- Booked a 35-city tour
- Raised 84K in one Crowdfunding Campaign
“Their insightful marketing plan helped me envision and execute on a whole new business. Best bucks I’ve ever spent!” – Andrew McCluskey, Musicto
Here’s what you’re getting: clarity, time and implementation
Clarity: A TTU will clarify what your goals are and your reasons for setting them in the first place.
Time: You get an artist development roadmap that deeply dives into each area, providing our top recommendations, so you don’t waste time or energy.
Implementation: We lay out step-by-step guides over a 12-month timeline so you will know exactly what to do, and in what order, to avoid burnout.
Execution: If you choose to have our team do so, we will execute your Tuneup for you.
What we deliver:
Each TTU is individually customized in regards to your specific goals. Every artist is starting at a different place and everyone possesses different strengths. Our job is to meet artists where they are and build a plan based on their unique situations.
“I have to say the TTU has been game-changing for me. It’s been fantastic to find a company that is willing and able to go through everything you have as an artist and come out the other side with a customized map of what you specifically need to do to move your career forward. It’s laid out in a myriad of ways: by subject, by social media platform, by month… all in digestible bites. Ariel and her team are there for you every step of the way to answer questions and to assist with the execution of the TTU. There’s nothing else like it anywhere.” – ANASIA AKA Leanna Primiani
That being said, each TTU includes these 6 custom parts:
We start with your goals then dive into your unique signature story (your foundations) and continue into a creative and collaborative process to figure out what your Total Tuneup will look like.
Walks you through a full assessment of your online footprint: your website and all of your social media profiles, and analyzes your email list and newsletter.
Outlines your brand pillars, fan personas, style board, color palette, and fonts. We also identify your social media themes and create a comp analysis of what is working for other artists in your lane and genre.
Give additional information on your Distributor (or help you choose one) and how to optimize your relationship. We look at your Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Pandora accounts, and talk about Pre-Save campaigns.
Addresses your next steps for release and walks you through all of the singles, EPs and other releases you have planned, giving suggestions on which single to choose (from a PR standpoint) and what date to release them.
Advises you on how to put all of the elements into a 12-month timeline. You can attack this plan on your own or we can implement it for you (depending on your team and budget).
“The real value of their services lies in their Total Tuneups. Mine gave me the ability to understand what type of artist I am, where my music would most likely find success, and who to connect me with in the industry at the right time.” – Eli Lev
Total Tuneups may also include the following sections (If you don’t need them we don’t include them)
- Social Media Calendaring
- Defining Your Target Tour Markets
- Website Optimization & SEO
- Marketing Platform Selection and Best Practices
- Best Practices For Getting Followers, Fans, and Plays on Spotify
- Spotify Playlisting Strategies
- Pre-save Campaign Techniques
- Email List Management & Growth
- Crowdfunding & Patreon
- How to choose the Perfect Merchandise for Your Fans
- Performing Rights Organizations (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC)
- Stay at Home Strategies to Attract Fans Without Leaving Your Couch
- Crowdfunding Coaching
- Customized Patreon Planning and Growth
- Music Conference Matchups
How is a Total Tuneup different?
A Total Tuneup is designed to serve as your custom artist development plan.
The process we use to create each Total Tuneup (TTU) comes from our 20+ years of working with musicians and observing those who build sustainable careers vs. those who burn out due to lack of planning and preparedness.
We have observed that artists who have capable strategists around them who understand all of the new music business components and how they fit together, experience more success and have longer careers. This is because they don’t get overwhelmed, they don’t make rash decisions, and they get the support they need to build and sustain as they grow.
Sadly, very few managers, marketers and labels possess artist development knowledge. It is rare to find teams who understand the full scope of the entire ecosystem and lay out all of the necessary steps needed. So, artists jump straight into hiring a publicist or a radio promoter without a foundation, and this never yields the long-term impact that was expected and hoped for.
This, unfortunately, has a lot to do with how most artists approach the process. Once the music is finished a deep sense of urgency rushes in, screaming, “Release, release!”
To make matters worse, publicists, radio promoters, and service-based businesses “silo” their tasks without communicating with each other, and in many cases, artists don’t have a team for them to communicate with. Nor do they have a plan to position the wins and the opportunities for maximum impact.
The pressure of consistently releasing new music, posting on social media, updating the website, crafting emails, booking gigs, plus learning new technologies and platforms (not to mention the actual creation of the music and practicing) keeps artists busier than ever, further battling key planning and long-term perspective.
This diagram illustrates the areas artists need to have knowledge and strategy in:

“The cyber pr team is friendly, responsive, well-connected, and skilled at discovering where you are, where you need to be, and how to get there. Best of all, i’m seeing real-world results from my total tuneup.” – Bryan Hughes, Aetopus
Why might a Total Tuneup be right for you?
Instead of staying in reaction mode, your Total Tuneup puts you into action mode.
With it, you’ll know what to expect months before it happens, so you can take full advantage of all the wins you work so hard to achieve.
Each one of your “wins” will have structure and framework placed on them so that no great opportunity you create gets wasted or overlooked.
We know, a 100-page plan will create more work for you – here’s the TRUTH: succeeding in this business is a lot of work (that’s a fact). If you expect this all to be done for you, you have chosen the wrong business.
However, don’t fear!
We also recommend vetted and effective companies who can help you by making suggestions for outsourcing, finding interns, affordable virtual assistants (VAs), and more.
Because of the hands-on nature of these plans, we only create a few per month.
Don’t wait to be in action mode – start planning the next steps of your career now.
And because we know artists are not made of money, we do offer payment plans, and we accept credit cards.
Click here to schedule a call and discuss your needs to see if a Total Tuneup is right for you.
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