New Music Release Plan – 12 Week Step-By-Step Guide

Releasing music in this crazy, over-saturated world is a bitch. With 30,000+ tracks per day going up on Spotify, how in the heck are you supposed to stand… Read More READ MORE

Your Fan Journey Probably Sucks – Here’s How to Fix it

What is A Fan’s Journey? A fan’s journey is when a fan or potential fan first finds out about you. It’s the journey they go on to discover… Read More READ MORE

Making The Most Of Your Musicians Website

Building a musicians website from scratch can be scary. It takes a lot of time out of our days and if you aren’t a creative, you might struggle a little. Read More READ MORE

Musicians Guide To Using Hashtags On Social Media

When creating and posting content on social media, what are your chances of choosing the right hashtags? They’re probably higher than you think, which is a good thing because hashtags… Read More READ MORE

10 Tips For Music Promotion This Summer

It’s summertime once again! One of the biggest mistakes many artists make is frantically trying to amass more potential fans while not paying enough… Read More READ MORE

Protecting Your Online Brand by Posting Your Perfect Press Kit

In the age of social media, we are all so focused on Instagram and Tiktok that we’ve forgotten an important basic: your press kit – the asset that… Read More READ MORE
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