Here are two ways to practice gratitude and success that will positively impact your long-term music career.

No matter how busy things get, I’m here to remind you to take time to remember what you are thankful for.

In a tough music economy where you’re getting paid $0.00298665 per stream and everything can feel wildly overwhelming, gratitude can be hard to conjure, and getting into a gratitude practice can feel nearly impossible. I have two remedies for this – even one for those of you who think gratitude may feel a little too “woo-woo” 😉

Your Gratitude Practice:

If you are interested in implementing a little more gratitude into your life, it’s pretty simple.

Every morning, when you wake up or before you go to bed at night, write down ten things you’re thankful for – no matter how small! It’s essential you proceed with each gratitude with “I’m grateful for…”

It can be a cup of coffee, the fact that your cat slept at the foot of your bed, or that lyric that popped into your head at the most unexpected time that gave you divine inspiration for your next song.

Here Are the Things I’m in Gratitude For:

I’m grateful for…

  1. Music.
  2. The artists I know who make music.
  3. Having a long career in the music business.
  4. My colleagues and friends who work in, for, and around music.
  5. Our community is all trying to go forward and figure it out together.
  6. The boatloads of female entrepreneurs are rising up and claiming their power in music and many other fields.
  7. The men who support us along the way and don’t feel threatened by our successes.
  8. My 19-year-old cat, Hunter, continues to bring joy to my life daily.
  9. All of YOUR support and commitment over the years.
  10. Your expressions of gratitude allowing me to reflect on the people I have helped.


Your 5 Successes Each Day

This is an excerpt from my book, Music Success In 9 Weeks, and if you’ve been following me for some time, this will not be new, but I think it’s a great refresher.

It’s also the less “woo-woo” version 🙂

I’m inviting you to write down five little victories a day starting this Thanksgiving week. I encourage you to keep up this practice for as long as possible, for the next year.

Years ago, I learned this powerful technique from T. Harv Eker, author of The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

The Practice: Write down five positive things you do every single day. Once you start getting into this habit, you are training yourself to put the focus on the positive and get your mind to stop being so self-critical.

So, grab a notebook and write down your five successes each day. The key is to go back and read them frequently to remind yourself that you can achieve major goals when you look at things from a positive context.

Please make at least 1 or 2 of them music career-related.

Here Are Some Daily Successes:

1. Went to gym.

2. I Started writing lyrics to that song I’ve been thinking about.

3. Called three clubs for potential bookings.

4. Did laundry.

5. Reached out to a music blogger who will love my music.

6. Made dinner for my boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/kids.

7. Posted on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

When I look at the thousands of artists I know, it’s the ones who have not lost sight of what they are grateful for, even in times of reinvention and disruption in this business, who stay even-keeled and move forward despite the new rules and challenges – it’s you who help me to remain committed and inspired.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

If this post inspires you and you want to explore a goal-setting mindset in more depth, I encourage you to listen to my podcast.

Gratitude and Success and Goal Setting For Musicians Cyber PR Music

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