Originally posted here: http://www.ontherecordpodcast.com/pr/otro/podcast-post.aspx?id=2261

Eric Schwartzman: Monday, November 16, 2009 | 4:34 PM

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Indie Music Online PR Specialist Ariel Hyatt on using social media to get signed to a record deal, how P. Diddy tweets without ruining the mystique of his stardom and using social media engagement to empower fans to promote their music organically online.

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Video Excerpt from the Audio Podcast Interview with Ariel Hyatt
01:07 – Ariel Hyatt of Ariel Publicity and author of “Music Success in Nine Weeks” describes her journey from conventional mainstream public relations executive to promoting musical artists exclusively online.
03:07 – Ariel Hyatt talks about immersing herself in social media by launching a blog, podcasting, hosting meet-ups, going to Podcamp and becoming a contributing member of the community.
04:17 – Candace Joy asks Ariel Hyatt via Michael Butler of the Rock ‘n Roll Geek Show, “How would you get someone signed?”
04:30 – Creating a groundswell social media movement online by building a vibrant fan base community as a proof of concept to lure record labels to sign you to a record deal.
05:50 – The Marie Digby online promotion scandal.
8:50 – Just how long it takes to build trust, learn to communicate authentically and actually see the benefits of social media engagement.
10:30 – In a question submitted via Twitter, Rick Goetz asks, “What’s more important for blog love: doing newsworthy things or knowing people?”
Indie Music PR Specialist Ariel Hyatt
11:43 – Is the transparency of social media stripping away the mystique of the rock star?
12:28 – Finding out that Henry Rollins was never on Twitter.
13:31 – Musicians Pete Wentz, Dave Navarro and John Mayer’s use of Twitter and Mylie Cyrus’s recent decision to quit Twitter.
14:24 – How P. Diddy repeatedly captures popular interest and taps into the popular nerve and why talent alone may not be enough to ascend to rock star status.
15:45 – P. Diddy’s now famous Popeye’s vs. KFC chicken TwittyTV online video.
17:09 – Inside the social life of Ariel Hyatt, a massive Ska, Punk, Rock indie music fan.
18:38 – A DIY recording artists’s career defined.
19:13 – The ascent of blues guitarist Kelly Richie, who learned to leverage social media to connect directly to her fan base and scale the pyramid.
22:25 – Why jam bands like the Grateful Dead and Phish represent social media in the real world.
23:46 – Translating musical like-mindedness into social media connections.
25:36 — End

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