Wow, yesterday was a blast! The day started early as Chris and I headed to the Bumstead showcase at the Canada House, and we kept on full-steam ahead with showcase after showcase, until the wee-hours of the morning.
Oh… and did I mention the panel I spoke on?
The Kickstarter 101 Panel, moderated by Martin Atkins and joined in by Jenny Owen Youngs and myself was really a blast – getting the opportunity to speak with the room about our own experiences (successes, surprises, obstacles, etc.) was a lot of fun!
But beyond anything else, yesterday was all about one thing – networking.
As you’ll see below, Chris and I took every opportunity to ask friends, old and new, to contribute to this series.
Dive in and enjoy! We’ll be traveling back to NY tomorrow, but we’ll post a recap with further advice we can muster from today on Sunday. So be sure to check back then!
Arron and Andrew (Band – @arronandandrew) – Connect with people on Twitter before getting here, it’s a great way to secure meetings. Leverage existing network to make new connections.
Tim Des Islets (Bumstead Productions – @BumsteadProd) – Play as much as you can and meet as many people as possible. Not everything will lead to a break, but everyone here is ready for networking so don’t be afraid to speak up.
Jenny Owen Youngs (Musician – @jennyowenyoungs) – Stay hydrated. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Martin Atkins (Author, Educator, Musician – @Marteeeen) – Do something different than everybody else, which means not playing, helping other bands, cooking pancakes, being nice… Do these thing and I think the things you want will come to you.
Stephen Francis (Singer/ Guitar, Model Stranger – @modelstrangerSF) – Have intention. A band needs to know what they’re coming down here for and what they hope to get out of it. That includes managing expectations. Don’t get distracted by the party. Make some friends.
Nigel Finley (Mood Media – @moodmedia) – Don’t count the people in the audience! Even if there are only a few, each one could be a potential super fan.
Joseph Kelley (Balcony TV Brooklyn – @BalconyTVBK) – Bring ant-acids!
Patrick Ermlich (The Outlet Collective) – Keep costs really low, come down for your first year just to get the lay of the land and get to know know the venues. This will set yourself up for the NEXT year.
BONUS: Jon and Chris – Run a blog series like this! Asking people to contribute, be it a musicians, blogger, label head, promoter or beyond gave us some amazing opportunities to network and connect with people. Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed!
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