Music Success In 9 Weeks + Cyber PR For Musicians Bundle

Music Success In 9 Weeks Ariel Hyatt’s most popular book is out now in it’s third edition, with a forward by Derek Sivers, Music Success in 9 Weeks can easily be deemed the “what to do next” bible for both new and established artists. It provides the missing manual for musicians trying to make sense […]



Music Success In 9 Weeks

Ariel Hyatt’s most popular book is out now in it’s third edition, with a forward by Derek Sivers, Music Success in 9 Weeks can easily be deemed the “what to do next” bible for both new and established artists. It provides the missing manual for musicians trying to make sense of social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and teaches them how to make profitable businesses.

Cyber PR For Musicians

Digital PR thought leader Ariel Hyatt’s Cyber PR for Musicians is an accessible, effective, and empowering guide to online marketing success.

In her 18 years in PR, Ariel Hyatt has changed the landscape of how musicians build a successful marketable profile. With her latest book, Cyber PR for Musicians: Tools, Tricks, And Tactics For Building Your Social Media House, she reveals her trade secrets in an accessible and warmly written guide.

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