Today is a big day for artists on Spotify! They just launched their pilot version of the new Spotify Songwriter Pages. This feature allows fans and industry personnel alike to find out more about the voices behind their favorite songs.
According to the company, Spotify Songwriter Pages are “a new place… for songwriters to showcase their works to potential collaborators and fans. [They] include all works your publisher chooses to share on your behalf.”
Since the program is still in the pilot phase, there is only a limited amount of active Songwriter Pages in comparison to the total number of songwriters on the platform. But Spotify has an option where you can request a Songwriter Page. Though, this option is only available and accessible through your publisher.
In order to access a songwriter page simply click on the “…” on mobile or desktop and go to “Show Credits.” The names of those with Songwriter Pages will appear clickable and take you to a new layout where you can see not only their top collaborators but also a comprehensive playlist of each song they have written on the platform!
We hope you find this announcement as exciting as we do! Dive deeper into the Songwriter Pages on Spotify’s FAQ page.
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