The basic concept of Bandsintown is pretty simple; let your fans know when and where you are playing. It allows you to promote individual dates, entire tours, festival appearances or album releases directly to fans. Plus you can target any location.

Create, Claim, or Update Your Bandsintown Profile

The first step is to create, claim or update your profile.

To Create:

To Claim:

To Update:

Here is what a great and updated profile should look like. This is Cyber PR Artist Pls Pls Me

You can see by looking at their profile they have updated their most recent tour dates, they have their links to their official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud and “other” in their case this links to their Vimeo account. and bio filled out and they have posted to their 952 trackers recently.

Musician's Guide to Bandsintown


Musician's Guide to Bandsintown

Make sure you add your most recent photo bio and sync to your Website and Facebook Page.

Make sure to continuously update as shows/tours get announced. Be sure to add the Bandsintown Manager app to your mobile phone as well for easy and quick updates on the go.


Once the events are created, you have the ability to promote each individual show through Facebook (and whatever social network you have Facebook connected to). Taking this a step further, these posts are built with tags geared towards touring artists, so the artist can stipulate whether the show is pre-sale, on sale, sold out, etc.

But Bandsintown has gone even deeper, and that’s what makes this app killin’. Bandsintown gives you Javascript Embed Code so you can post your tour dates on your website or blog. And then it updates in real time! Even the notes you add about each show are ported over. Pretty sweet Bandsintown.
This app will also sync with Twitter, Facebook and WordPress (via a wordpress plugin). On top of all this syncing brilliance, for an extra fee, Bandsintown has a deal with MobBase to help you get your own iPhone/Android App preconfigured with your tour dates, tickets, and Facebook events from Bandsintown.


Two tools to be aware of (our favorites) on the  Bandsintown platform:

Bandsintown Promoters – A paid newsletter service that much like Facebook or Instagram ads targets fans of specific bands. For a fee, you can promote shows to subscribers who are more inclined to be live music fans.

Post to Your Trackers – From Bandsintown: This free tool lives in the Home section once you’re logged into Bandsintown Manager and lives in the top left quadrant. Here you can post anything you want (copy, photo, URL) to your artists’ active Trackers who are opted in to receive push and email (both will be sent instantly to prompt message opens and views).


Bandsintown Manager is completely free! You can create a manager or fan account, an artist or venue page, and add events for no cost at all! If you want to try to increase exposure and ticket sales past the free features Bandsintown has to offer you can create and run paid email campaigns with Bandsintown Promoter.



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