As modern technology advances, more artists and fans become reliant on the digital realm. Social media becomes the central ground. This triggers a domino effect: one artist starts a trend, and the rest follow behind as they fall into the oversaturated crowd. Due to this oversaturation, it’s nearly impossible to generate enough attention to “be big.” There are other ways to stand out for those who wish to follow a different path.

1. Use your website as an extension of your truth

Music has a certain rawness and vulnerability that, for some artists, can naturally become the centerpiece of their online presence. If you’re one of these artists, create a site that embraces your brand and your art. Reveal yourself to your fans (show them the real you). Keep your brand consistent with who you are. Make sure you are capturing emails on your site!  Email is better than Social Media.

2. Don’t focus on social media numbers.

Play counts and engagement numbers shouldn’t be your only measure of success.  Instead measure by how many fans you interact with. You can’t create without appreciating the people who love you. The two should go hand in hand. While you may try to be mysterious (see below), ignoring your fans is not the way to do it. Interacting is critical and it is personal touch that will lead fans away from social media and onto your email list or better yet, standing in the front row at a show.

3. Create an antidote.

There has been a sickness going around. It appears that when one person catches popularity for doing something online, others begin to copy. This is a good way to catch an algorithm but a lousy way to grow a fanbase. This means you must create an antidote. Build fan connections, meaning, and companionship. This means you have to have a plan that resists the dopamine hit that likes can get you and create a fan journey that captures email addresses and / or actual 2-way communications.

4. Create (some) anonymity. 

Are you introverted? If you don’t want to share everything with the world, you don’t have to! You can still grow your fanbase while remaining somewhat anonymous! Fans have curiously looked at mystery for years, from Daft Punk to Sia. Masked or disguised artists catch a certain intrigue from the audience. Anonymity can be a great way to share your work while keeping yourself private. Find your balance. In order to do this, you must choose what you are saying and be sure it’s on-brand and comfortable for you to do so.

5. When you shine a light, you create goodwill

You don’t need social media for this, but it is a great place to start. This is all about the other artists you love who inspire you and have contributed to who you are as a musician. Highlight favorite new up-and-comers, curate videos and Spotify playlists, and share by tagging others. Mention others you are working with (beatmakers, singers, producers, engineers, etc.). This will lead to interaction, which will lead to opportunities on social media where magic can happen.

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