I’ve recently taken several weeks to completely re-write Social Media Tuneup. This book was challenging to update as I’ve had a deep love-hate relationship with the fact that I was an early pied piper leading artists to social media. Only to discover years later how detrimental it is for our collective mental health.
That being said, social platforms are still a powerful place to promote your music which you can’t do unless you have a solid foundation.
This book will walk you through exactly how to create the strongest possible foundation and fan journey experience.
It’s based on the process we use here at Cyber PR to help musicians manage all aspects of their online platforms and discoverability. And it’s the foundation of the fan journey you must lead potential fans on. This book explains exactly how to work your way through and optimize your entire online presence. Here’s how it works:
FIRST, For each platform…
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Spotify, Pinterest, etc. You’ll take stock by recording your current numbers and the date. The reason for this is you can’t grow if you don’t know where to start – and what you focus on expands.
You will look at your branding to make sure it’s consistent and up to date. If it’s not, I’ll show you how to upgrade it.
There’s a “TUNE UP” of 20 questions for best practices and nuances you may not be aware of to focus your attention. Each social (and your website and email list) will have their own “tune up” section.
THE RESULT will be a more cohesive overall online presence.
And there’s also a powerful exercise that will help you identify your ultimate fan archetype so you know how to position your brand, posts and content. Oh and have I mentioned that this book is only $17?
If you were to hire me to help you with this process it would start at $2950 – that’s a savings of $2933.
Order here.
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