There’s a new Team Cyber PR, and I’m excited to introduce them to you!

You may have noticed a few months ago, I put out the call to my email list looking for new talented, brilliant artists who have a propensity also to be great marketers (rare!)

I was EXCITED when I received over 100 resumes and cover letters from as far away as Australia and South Africa and as close as down the street from me in NYC.

And I had an IDEA! 💡

What if instead of interviewing and training ONE person, I could do something more fun? The TEAM CYBER PR CLASS of 2024 was born!

I took nine perfect candidates through a rigorous training process, where I spilled the tea and showed them how we do what we do. Each class member attended training and shadowed me and my staff on client calls. Each of them then learned the ins and outs of how we operate, and they got to work building their own artist Total Tuneup, working with a client that was nearest and dearest to their hearts—themselves!

As post-pandemic life would have it, some were not a perfect fit, and some had family to tend to or other obligations. I had a new dream team at the end of this wee experiment.

Each One of these artists and marketers brings a unique superpower to the team (and they also make fantastic Music) 

MeccaGodzilla, Lead Total Tuneup Creator & Coach 

How Did You Come To The Team?

​I first discovered Ariel after purchasing her Music Success in 9 Weeks program. I attended a panel discussion​ at IMSTA FESTA in NYC, where Ariel was a guest speaker. Years later, when there was an opportunity to join the team as an artist coach, it felt like a​ step to become part of the Cyber PR Team.

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

​I bring years of touring and performance experience in Asia, particularly Japan, where I’ve toured six times. Additionally, I​ serve as the Hip Hop cultural ambassador to Uzbekistan and Nepal through the Next Level USA program, funded by the US State Department. I’ve also managed indie record labels, handling tasks ranging from running successful email lists to promotion, graphic design, shipping, merchandising, and more.

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

​I appreciate the opportunity to ​connect with Ariel regularly, which has allowed me to learn much in detail. Witnessing how she stays abreast of trends and processes information quickly is truly inspiring. Working with her enables me to seamlessly switch between ​my creative mind​ (which is always on GO because I am a Dreamer) and my administrative, analytical mind​ (which needs to be worked like a muscle)​. Plus, the flexibility of working remotely is ​fantastic!

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

​Artists must recognize that THEY ARE THE WAVE. While it’s essential to be aware of trends and industry happenings, true success comes from self-discovery, commitment to craft, and consistency. Avoid getting lost in vanity metrics; amplify your inner voice and stay true to your artistic vision. Anchor yourself in your identity as an artist, shine your light, and the fans and followers will follow. Ultimately, knowing who you are and staying authentic is critical to success in the music industry.


Liana Fowler, Total Tuneup Creator, Webdesigner & Coach

How Did You Come To The Team?

I’m a past client!. And I have been on Ariel’s email list for over 15 years. I was her client and have always respected and admired her work. Recently, I received an email from her seeking help, and it felt like the right place and time to contribute. At that time, I had decided to change my direction and focus not only on my music career and studio but also on doing more. I applied to the Masters of Music Business program at the Berklee College of Music and Cyber PR, and fortunately, I got accepted into both!

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

I have experience as both an indie musician and a signed musician. I have toured extensively in the US, Japan, and the UK. I have put a lot of effort and hard work into my music career, which has given me valuable insights into coaching and communicating with other musicians. My approach is to be supportive of their goals and not dismissive.

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest industry news and working with talented musicians who are also good people. It is a supportive yet practical environment. 

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

My Berklee Professor,  John Kellogg,  said in class recently,  “It’s not DIY—do it yourself—it’s more like DIO—do it ourselves.” He’s right that it’s impossible to have a sustainable career as an artist without help, period.

Melissa Nastasi, Publicist & Strategist

How Did You Come To The Team?

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Ariel for more years than either of us can remember! I’m an accomplished music publicist with experience working for countless artists, labels, and music-related brands. My knack for discovering up-and-coming music blogs and getting in on the ground floor before other publicists is one of my strengths. As an accomplished music publicist, I’ve worked on successful campaigns for various artists, labels, and music-related brands. From iconic figures like Perry Farrell to contemporary sensations like The National Maggie Rogers and The Neighbourhood, I have played a pivotal role in elevating their presence and amplifying their voices in the ever-evolving music landscape.

When I’m not pitching or writing, you’ll find me working on some of my unique illustrations and hanging out with my King Charles Spaniel, Zooey, in beautiful Hudson, New York.

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

As a long-term member of the Cyber PR team, I bring a unique combination of skills and experiences to the table. Over the past several years, I have offered a strong foundation in publicity.

My ability to spot trends and the ever-growing music industry allows me to contribute meaningfully to the Cyber PR team. I am also passionate about music and artist development, and I’m eager to collaborate with like-minded individuals on the wonderful Cyber PR team.

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

I appreciate Cyber PR’s commitment to innovation and adaptability in the ever-evolving landscape of music marketing and promotion. I admire how the team consistently embraces new technologies, strategies, and creative approaches to help artists navigate the ever-changing music industry. I am constantly impressed by Cyber PR’s emphasis on building genuine connections with both artists and audiences, fostering meaningful relationships that extend beyond our promotional efforts. The dedication to empowering artists and fostering a supportive community is one of my favorite things about Cyber PR.

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

My number one advice for musicians is to prioritize authenticity and consistency in their artistic endeavors and online presence. In today’s highly competitive music industry, authenticity is what sets artists apart and resonates with audiences on a deeper level. It’s essential for musicians to stay true to their unique voice, values, and vision, both in their music and their interactions with fans. Consistency, whether it’s in releasing new music, engaging with fans on social media, or maintaining a cohesive brand identity, helps to build trust and loyalty over time. By staying authentic and consistent, musicians can cultivate a strong and loyal fan base that will support them throughout their careers.

Sarah Scott, Publicist & Copywriter

How Did You Come To The Team?

I have been an active member of Women In Music (WIM) for the last five years, but it was not until the pandemic that I started to focus on playing music again and exploring it as part of my professional career. 

I answered a call from Ariel in WIM in 2021 and have gradually built up experience working directly with Cyber PR clients. What struck me initially was the variety of genres, from folk to electronic, classical, and even punk rock! I feel it’s truly unique. 

In 2022, I visited New York and reached out to Ariel to meet up. She kindly invited me for a bagel and coffee (very New York!), and I came to know more about Cyber PR. I have been working in the PR team since last year on a range of different campaigns, whether a four-week PR Campaign for a single or a six-month VIP client, and I am learning so much about what it takes to get music out there today. 

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

I have many years of experience working in the media industry, both on the talent rights and legal sides. So, I feel I can understand the journey many musicians and creatives go through to get their work out there. I have also helped digitalize many film and TV programs and radio shows for online streaming, so I have seen the progress of technology, too. 

My philosophy is to be open-minded, pay attention to each client’s details and personality/needs, and stay aware of the next new trend.

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

I like how everybody brings their unique self to the team, and we can all work individually and together. There is a tremendous energy and buzz about the team! 

Cyber PR has also made great use of systems and tools so that each stage of a PR campaign can be documented. Each artist can see how their campaign progresses in real time, and things can be done efficiently. 

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

Consistency. Artists have to be in it for the long run, for sure, and not expect immediate results but instead build consistency with everything they do. If something isn’t working the way they thought, it’s okay to tweak it and revise until it is! But not to give up. With that in mind, taking regular breaks and having a good attitude are also important to avoid creative burnout. 

Oh, and let someone handle your social media. It will save you so much time and energy in the long run. 

Mike Baker, Total Tuneup Creator, Webdesigner, Funnel Builder & Coach

How Did You Come To The Team?

I think many indie artists will be familiar with my initial Cyber PR intro story. Sometime in the previous…century (omg—is that possible?), I noticed that someone named Ariel Hyatt kept showing up on my Internet with quality educational material for indie musicians, and I signed up for her mailing list. 

Over the ensuing decades, she gained a reputation around my inbox for consistently astute insight and perspective. So when she emailed her list late in 2023 and asked if she knew anyone who was an independent musician AND someone who helped other artists with their marketing, I was one of the people who raised my hand. Building a brand and reputation is a long game, people (lol). 

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

West Coast vibes? Height? An unhealthy affection for loud amplifiers? Seriously, I think the most important thing about everyone on the Cyber PR team is that we’re marketers, yes, but we’re all also independent artists; we have a perspective that only comes from stacking musician years and an earned empathy with clients that can’t be faked. 

Regarding my work around here, I like to focus on helping artists find listeners, engage with them, and build relationships that can transform them into lifelong fans. On a nuts-and-bolts level, I’m helping with web development, email marketing, building sales funnels, and writing—lots of writing.

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

I really appreciate that Cyber PR operates as a team where every member is putting their particular individual strengths to work on a given project. Different clients might work with varying mixes of team members, such that everyone gets their bespoke version of Cyber PR tailored uniquely to their own goals and priorities. I might be working on a website for one artist at the same time as I’m writing an email series for another. Everyone gets what they need, and I’m never bored at work.

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

One of the annoying things about getting older is that most of the clichéd advice I’ve been given over the years has turned out to be on point. “Get plenty of sleep.” “Eat your vegetables.” “Don’t stand too close to the PA.” Unfortunately, any advice I’d have to give fits in that category. 

Take yourself out for a walk and get 1000% clear on what your artistic career, or pursuit, means to you. Not what it means to your friends, or your parents, or everyone who’s ever told you that you suck and you’ll never amount to anything. And not what it means to the music industry or your bank account. Ask yourself: what kind of music would I make if no one was ever going to hear it? 

Your answer could range from “exactly the kind of music I’m making right now, buddy” to “oh—if nobody’s gonna listen, maybe I’m kinda out on the music thing”. Both are OK. But come up with an answer that you feel the truth of deep in all your bones. This is your North Star, and once you’ve done the work to get an unobstructed view, all the choices and decisions of your creative life get much simpler. (Not “easier”. “Simpler”. Sorry.)

Ali Holder, Total Tuneup Creator & Social Media Designer

How Did You Come To The Team?

A mutual friend and artist had previously been a TTU writer and suggested I apply! I had heard Ariel’s name before but was delighted when I dove into Cyber PR and learned what a thoughtful and excellent ship she was running!

What Do You Bring To Team Cyber PR?

I bring my TTU writing and research skills. I also have a background in Social Media, which allows me to work with clients in that way if needed. I also love creativity and creation and am delighted to support that in any way I can. 

What Do You Like Most About How We Work and What We Do?

As a musician, I love knowing all the up-to-date information about how to present yourself in the digital world as a musician. I love helping other artists and expanding my music knowledge base, which I would have never heard otherwise. Cyber PR is such a great resource and is filled with other musicians and music lovers who care about artists and putting their creative efforts out into the world. Everyone is also incredibly cool and kind. Working with such lovely people makes the job that much more enjoyable. 

What is Your #1 Piece of Advice for Artists?

Be in it for the long game. Put your creativity at the helm of your career. Make sure you’re still in it for the love of music and the joy of it. It’s always a good idea to assess your motivations and feelings about it to inform future decisions. Music can heal people, so keep putting your light in the world. 


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