Topspin made a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT today

The best part in the email announcement from Ian Rogers said this:

“In fact, where we’ve taken the most criticism is over the lack of ease-of-use of this sprawling platform. It’s true, I’ve pushed the team for a breadth of features rather than ease-of-use. We’ve spent much of 2011 trying to take the breadth of our offering and make it easier to explain, grok, and ultimately use. We’ve removed confusing bits from our user interface, reduced the number of clicks it takes to do many tasks, changed the overall look/feel, and added simple overview videos throughout the application to give a first-time user a better sense of what’s going on. As we exit our prolonged “beta” we’ve finally pulled together a proper Web site which attempts to clearly explain what our software does and how you use it. That said, our vision for Topspin is to be Photoshop, not MS Paint, ProTools not Garage Band, Final Cut Pro not iMovie. None of those products are something you just sit down and start using expertly without some practice or instruction. The learning curve yields power. Our software is not (yet) in the league of those, but I think we are certainly where those software packages were in their first few years and versions.”

“In fact, where we’ve taken the most criticism is over the lack of ease-of-use of this sprawling platform. It’s true, I’ve pushed the team for a breadth of features rather than ease-of-use.

My teacher once said – Simple is actionable and complicated is interesting. I hope artists take the time to understand Topspin even though it is quite intricate.

Check it out and take some time to learn it – It will change your life if you do….

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