The MIDEM conference was a jam-packed four-day whirlwind! I met some wonderful new colleagues and found out about some fabulous emerging platforms to add to your toolbox this year. I’ll be blogging about them.

I saw some incredible panels and sat in on a few master classes that were truly inspiring.

For this year’s MIDEM, I created a new talk called the “The Distribution Loop.

The concept is this: You need to leverage your fans to create a “loop” that begins with a like or a follow on social media and ends with evangelical, enthusiastic fan, then it repeats.

Here is a video of my presentation (it’s only 8 minutes).

Brian Wilkins,  participated with me at MIDEM. Brian has vast experience in the major-label marketing world and has worked closely with some household name artists.

He explained how he helped build Rhianna’s fan base to over 1 million on Facebook and how her management team used “The Distribution Loop”, by letting her super fans participate in order to properly build Rhianna’s story. The super fans were trusted among her fans and really helped to shape an authentic conversation that many participated in.


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